The Latest May Action! 2024
Action’s Omnipanel fibreglass is uniquely durable. Made from styrofoam sandwiched between fibreglass, it is stronger, lighter and has water resistance and thermal qualities beyond anything else on the market. Moreover, the floors are fully sealed to prevent moisture or dust from compromising the vehicle’s integrity. This allows Action Motorhomes to have an extended lifespan of up to 50 years. Durability is the most sustainable option there is, However, fibreglass is not easily reprocessed or recycled as a composite material, although we are taking steps to reduce our waste.
Compare our 2016 Platinum (6-birth motorhome) to our redesigned 2022 Motorhome. We have reduced moulded external fibreglass by 68.5%, that’s 260kg down to 83 kg. With the shower included, we have reduced the total moulded fibreglass by a whopping 60% since 2016. That’s 304.5kg down to 122.5kg! This is due to replacing fibreglass trim with aluminium and alloy extrusion around the outside of the motorhome.
We are on a clear path at Action, committed to becoming a future-fit business by reducing our waste, emissions and finding sustainable solutions so that we can be the best version of ourselves for our customers.
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